ULTIMATE PMP® Exam Prep Self Study Course
® Guide - 5th Edition)               


Five Products in One Package for just $299

This latest edition of our world famous self-study kit aligns with the PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition and completely prepares anyone who wishes to prepare and pass the PMI® Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam. TSI's Ultimate PMP® Exam Prep Self Study Course is the very best self-paced PMI PMP self-study course available anywhere. Our self-study course is an integrated package that provides multiple, immersive training methods including visual, kinesthetic, and text. In addition to our exclusive study tools, you will need to use your own copy of the PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition. After studying all of the learning materials you will be able to take unlimited PMP practice exams with our PMP Exam Prep Simulator. Once you are ready, take our 50 questions, web based exam to be awarded your 35 Contact Hours. This complete course package includes everything you need to study for and pass the PMP Exam. The Ultimate PMP® Exam Prep Self Study course includes the following:

1. 641 page PMP exam prep workbook

2. Five Posters (18" x 24") set showing all knowledge areas, inputs and outputs

3. Roadmap poster to show you how to map your success path

4. Free support Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CT

5. PMP Online Exam Prep Simulator so you can test your knowledge and focus on what you need to study Note: You will be emailed login credentials with 1 business day.

"PMI", "PMP" and "PMBOK® Guide" are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


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